- 22 Mar, 2022
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Urinary tract infections are very common these days, happening in every 1 out of 5 women , although it can occur at any age but it is found to be more common among females. Females having shorter urethra and males having prostatic hypertrophy are at higher risks. Person who has diabetes or urine retention problems catch UTIs easily. Urinary Tract Infections are caused by micro organisms, usually bacteria. Symptomatic presence of micro organisms within the urinary tract (kidney, bladder, ureters , bladder and urethra) along with inflammation is urinary tract infection and in this article we have discussed about different aspects of how to treat urine infection.
Pain in pelvic region , dysuria, painful micturition , different urine color and odour, pain during intercourse are some of the common symptoms of urinary tract infection.
Many people remain undiagnosed because sometimes symptoms are so mild that it goes unnoticed. Ultrasonography, urine analysis and CT Scan can be used to diagnose UTI.
By drinking plenty of fluids and taking antibiotics is how you can get rid of a UTI in 24 hours. UTI is mostly caused by not maintaining proper hygiene or if you catch an infection by the bacteria E coli.
Three types of antibiotic courses are there for the treatment of urinary tract infection.:
- single dose therapy
- three day course
- seven day courses
By adding more fluids, especially water in your diet can help removing toxins from your urinary system and it will also washout the bacteria from your tract. Drink atleast 3 – 3.5 litres of water daily. women should also maintain good hygiene especially during their menstruation period to avoid catching infections.
People usually try to cure the disease at home before going to doctors or hospitals until its very necessary , some conditions can’t be cured at home but some can and UTI is one of them that you can easily cure at home.
Preventing the spread of a infection is one of the most important reason to cure a UTI quickly when you have symptoms because once the infection reaches the upper part of the urinary tract especially in kidney, it will be difficult to treat and can also cause complications. so here are some ayurvedic remedies for urine infection in males and females:
- Apple cider vinegar: take 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and mix it in a water and drink it empty stomach once a day, same goes with baking soda, it is also a very effective home remedy for UTI.
- Coconut : Coconut is a diuretic which in flushing out the bacteria from the body.
- Increase intake of vitamin C in your diet or start taking vitamin C supplements , it will help in increasing the acidity of urine and thus killing the bacteria . all the fruits and vegetables having high vitamin C content will help reduce the UTI.
- Females who have shorter urethera and use frequently use contraceptives or who do not empty their bladder completely are usually at higher risk of catching an infection. Females must be very cautious about their hygiene during mentruation period. Changing pads and tampons frequently and not using deodorants can help prevent UTI.
- One can also use a variety of natural herbs to cure UTI like goskshura , alsso known as tribulus terrestris. It’s an very ancient ayurvedic herb that is commonly used to treat urinary tract diseases like kidney stones and it is well known for its anti-bacterial and diuretic properties which helps in Bastishodhan ( curing bladder ailments).
- Giloy , also known as Tinospora cordifolia is reffered as amrita in ayurveda as it is an all rounder drug that can be used in various diseases including urinary tract infections being anti- bacterial , anti fungal and anti microbial herb.
Men can also take some actions regarding their condition of UTI which are:
- Avoid holding urine for too long, it will give favourable conditions for bacteria to grow.
- Clean the area under the foreskin after showering if not cicumcised.
- Always wear codoms during sex
- Always clean from front to back after bowel movement
- Urinate after intercourse.
Take probiotics and drink plenty of fluids.
BERRIES: Cranberries , blueberries and raspberries contain a special substance that restricts the bacterial growth and promote urinary tract hygiene.
ORANGES: Oranges are very rich source of vitamin C and vitamin C makes the urine more acidic which in turn prevents the bacteria to multiply. Lemons and other Green vegetables that contain vitamin c also helps in the prevention as well as in building body’s immunity.
APPLES : Apple is a fibrous fruit which helps in relieving constipation. when bowel movements are not smooth, the rectum pressurizes the bladder and blocks the urine flow.
CHANDIGARH AYURVED CENTRE has its own UTI CARE KIT for pure and natural treatment of urinary tract infection. This kit includes:
INGREDIENTS: The Liver care tablet of CAC is a herbo mineral pure ayurvedic formulation. It mainly works in balancing pitta doshas. liver care tablet consists of ingredients like Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), Kutaki(Picrorhiza kurroa), Bhumi amla( Phyllanthus niruri), Giloy(Tinospora Cordifolia), Yavakshar( Hordeum vulgare), Imli Kshar( Tamarindus indica), Mukta Shukta pisti etc.
- Its main function is to improve the circulation of blood.
- It works against burning sensation of urine, removes urinary infection and other inflammatory conditions.
Dosage: Take one tablet twice daily with plain water after a meal.
INGREDIENTS: It consists of ingredients like Yavakshar (Hordeum vulgare) -200 mg, Kalmi Shora (Potassium nitrate) -150 mg, Nuashadar (Ammonium chloride) -150 mg, Swarna Gairik (Red ochre) -150 mg
- It’s a 650 mg pure herbo mineral ayurvedic formulation. it treats the root cause of diseases without any side effects. along with the UTI problem it also treats problems related to kidney, urinary bladder, urethra and ureters.
- It removes the kidney stones, renal colic, painful micturition, hypertension, and burning sensation during the passage of urine.
- It has antioxidant and anti -inflammatory properties. also useful in dysuria, pelvic pain, urine incontinence, foul odor, etc.
Dosage: take 1 tablet twice daily with plain water after meal.
INGREDIENTS: Trikatu syrup is pure ayurvedic formulation comprises of mainly three herbs such as Pippali (Piper longum), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), & Marich (Piper nigrum). the main function of trikatu syrup is it removes excess of Kapha doshas and supports the respiratory system, help to reduce body weight and hence detoxifies the body.
- It has anti-inflammatory , analgesic and antioxidant properties.
- it boosts metabolism and works in dysuria, painful micturition, and reduce inflammation of the kidney occurs due to any diseases.
- It is free from chemicals, additives, colors and fillers.
Dosage: 2 tsp twice daily before a meal.
INGREDIENTS: It comprises of Moti Pishti, Parwal Pishti, Shukta Pishti, Giloy Satav, Kamdudha Ras, Jahar Mohra, Akik Pishti, Gandhak Rasayan, Tal Sindoor, Shankh Bhasma, Sutshekhar Ras, Sudhyog Tab, Shwet Parpati, Yavakshaar
- It is purely a herbal formulation that helps to reduce inflammation and burning sensation caused due to UTI infection.
- It has an anti-inflammatory action. It also helps to remove toxins due to its antioxidant properties.
- It has an antibacterial action and provides cooling and calming effect to the body.
Dosage: Take one sachet twice a day with normal plain water.
INGREDIENTS: It mainly consists of herbs like Ajwaion, Kapur (camphor) and Mint leaves that provide a cooling effect and helps to reduce burning sensation during micturition.
- It is pure herbo mineral ayurvedic formulation which works on doshas of the body especially pitta doshas.
- It also controls mood swings, bloating and nausea.
Dosage: Take 1/2 or 1 teaspoon of sheet dhara twice daily empty stomach.