What to eat and what not to eat in the spring season according to Ayurveda
- 05 Feb, 2022
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Spring is one of the six seasons of North India and neighboring countries, which spreads its beauty in this region between February, March and April. In this season, we should eat a lot of leftovers, otherwise there is an adverse effect on health. Consumption of sweets, dry fruits, sour sweet fruits, curd, ice cream and heavy food is prohibited in this season. At the beginning of spring, the coolness starts decreasing and the heat of the sun starts increasing. According to Ayurveda, during this time the Kapha dosha starts increasing, due to which the fire element starts decreasing in this season and the problem of not being able to digest properly increases. If you are struggling with the problem of indigestion in this season, then do not worry. To stay healthy and full of energy in this season, we should take special care of our food and drink.
According to the predominance of doshas in our body at the time of birth, according to the nature of seven types of doshas have been described in Ayurveda – Vata Pitta, Pitta Kapha, Kapha Vata, Sannipataj (Vata Pitta Kapha is present in equal quantity), Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja. These doshas keep changing in every season. Ritucharya has been described to keep these two even. According to the Ritucharya, it is told that in which season one should live and eat, so that one can remain healthy and avoid the defects and diseases that increase in that season. In Ayurveda, 6 seasons have been described and according to them diet and behavior have also been told. By taking care of them, women can remain healthy and full of energy.
To maintain good digestion power in the spring season, one should eat it thoughtfully. Overeating should be avoided in this season. Eat when you are hungry. According to Ayurveda, sweet, sour, too salty or oily food should not be eaten in the spring, as they increase the kapha dosha. Heavy food like urad dal, puri-kachori should not be taken in this season. One should not sleep during the day as there is a possibility of increasing Kapha dosha. Do not use curd when cholesterol is increased because curd has an ayurvedic special quality ‘Abhishyanda’. Abhishyanda guna/karma creates blockage in the channels of the body, arteries etc. Whether to eat curd when menstruation comes, know whether it is true or myth. According to Ayurveda, taking special care of food during this season can prevent Kapha Dost from growing. In this season, it is good to take things with strong juice like bitter gourd, parwal, things with bitter juice like soup etc. In this season, eat light food, which is easy to digest such as moong dal, khichdi, porridge etc. Apart from this, vegetables like gourd, cabbage, carrot, spinach, peas containing nutritious elements should also be included in your diet. If honey and lukewarm water are consumed during this season, then it can also prevent the increase of Kapha dosha and gives relief in cold and cough.
What to eat and what to avoid in spring
There are about 15 grams of protein in 100 grams of black gram. There are many benefits of eating black gram but there are also some disadvantages. Know how much gram should be eaten in a day.
Black gram makes muscles strong and intestines health.
100 grams of kidney beans means a confluence of protein and iron
Spring season means the time between summer and cold in the spring season. It is hot during the day and cold at night. This time starts from 16 March and runs till 15 May. If the weather has changed then it is obvious that many types of chemical changes must have happened in our body. Now if there have been so many changes that it cannot happen that whatever you were eating and drinking last month will continue. Change is necessary in that too.
If you do not do it, it is not that you will fall ill the very next day, but in the long term, there will be a loss, if there is any disease in the body, then it will increase. Whatever is written in Ayurveda has been written after a very long and deep research. Therefore it should never be taken lightly. In this article, we are giving you information about what to eat and what to avoid during the spring season.
What to eat in spring season
As stated above, this season is characterized by instability in summer and winter, so it has an immediate effect on the health of the body. Keeping this in mind, one should not be negligent in eating and drinking during this season. Light, fresh, easily digestible and pungent and astringent food should be consumed during the cold season. Instead of greasy food, dry food should be eaten. Food made of rice, gram, barley and wheat should be eaten and honey must be used in the diet.
Ginger, bitter gourd, amla, parwal, sattu, moong dal, green vegetables, gourd, spinach, lemon, dry ginger, carrot and seasonal fruits should also be eaten. Boiled water with ginger, honey mixed with water or rain water should be drunk in large quantities. It is considered good to drink water from old grains, mustard oil, peepal, black pepper, myrrh, bahera, amla, bel, small radish, mustard, paddy slag, poppy seeds. It is considered good for non-vegetarians to eat the meat of rabbits and animals living in the desert forests. It is considered good to take powder of myrobalan with honey.
Foods to avoid in spring season
To avoid diseases of this season, one should not eat greasy, sour, sweet and heavy substances. The consumption of fried and spicy food and sweets should be kept to a minimum. During the spring season, sleeping during the day should be avoided as it increases the phlegm further. Staying awake at night also worsens air disease. Therefore, one should not stay awake for long at night.
Staying awake till late in the night and sleeping till late in the morning dry up the stool, and also feel hungry late and the glow of the face and eyes also ends. Therefore, sleeping early in the night during this time should also wake up early in the morning.
Effects on body
In this season, the body starts suffering from phlegm, because the phlegm accumulated in the body during the winter season melts due to the heat of the sun during the spring season. Due to this diseases start in the digestive fire. With this the nausea starts. In this season, phlegm increases so much that diseases like tonsils, cough, sore throat, cold, cold and phlegm- fever (flu) immediately surround it.
How to stay healthy
To maintain health, we should do light exercise daily in the spring season. It is good to take a walk before the sun rises, massage with ubtan and take a warm bath. After bathing, the body should be coated with smelling things like camphor, sandalwood, agaru, kumkum, etc. You should take a bath again in the evening. In this season, smoking (cigarettes) made from herbs should be drunk and it is good to apply kajal in the eyes.
At this time in the month of Chaitra, 10-15 leaves of neem should be chewed and eaten on an empty stomach in the morning. By eating continuously for a few days, a person does not have blood diseases, skin diseases, fever etc. throughout the year. Along with the beauty of nature, walking in the gardens also gives happiness to the mind and body. In this season loose cotton clothes should be worn, which are not very bright colours. It is good to use an umbrella or a cap on the head in the sun. We do not get sunlight because of this.