Ayurvedic And Panchakarma Treatment For Neck Pain At Home
- 14 Jan, 2022
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The problem of neck pain and stiffness arises due to wrong posture, tilting the neck to the mobile for a long time or the use of thick pillows. Apart from this, many such health problems like rheumatoid arthritis (joint pain and swelling), ankylosing spondylitis, slip disc and cervical spondylosis (disease related to the spinal cord) can also cause pain in your neck. Sometimes muscle weakness due to aging can also cause neck pain. There are many treatments available in Ayurveda to get rid of neck pain. Know what is the Ayurvedic treatment for neck pain and how effective Ayurvedic medicine for neck pain is in this.
What is neck pain in Ayurveda? Can ayurveda cure neck pain
Neck pain in Ayurveda is called Manyata Shoola. There are several conditions described in Ayurveda that can cause neck pain. like –
Which doshas causes neck pain
An imbalance in the vata and kapha doshas leads to stiffness in the neck muscles, leading to neck pain.
Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, the most common types of arthritis, can cause pain in the neck joint. The reason for this is the aggravation of Vata dosha.
Slip disc
A slip disc usually causes pain in the lower back, which can lead to pain in the cervical region and neck.
Ankylosing spondylitis
The main symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis are pain and swelling in the back and neck area. Bones and bone marrow get affected due to imbalance in Vata dosha.
Signs and symptoms of neck pain include:
- Muscle stiffness and cramps
- Decreased ability to turn the head
- Headache etc.
Causes of neck pain include:
- Muscle tension
- To be injured
- Pressure on nerves
- Having some diseases such as meningitis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
Which treatment is best for neck pain
Snehana Ayurvedic therapy is taken to get relief from pain. Ama is expelled from the body by snehana. This Ayurvedic therapy strengthens the body and reduces pain. Various types of herbal oils are used in this.
The massage of various types of herbal oils is called Abhyanga. Neck pain can be relieved by this Ayurvedic therapy.
Various types of medicinal herbs are applied on the part of your neck. It gives relief from severe neck pain. Along with this, the swelling of the neck is also reduced.
Stiffness and heaviness in the body are removed by this Ayurvedic therapy. It cures neck pain. Swedan is considered very useful and effective in the treatment of neck pain due to accumulation of ama. This reduces the stress on the muscles.
Nasya Karma
The help of Nasya Karma Ayurvedic therapy is also taken to get relief from neck pain. Since it is believed that our nose is the door to our mind. Therefore, in this karma, a fluid made from Ayurvedic herbs is injected into the nostrils. It is used for problems related to eyes, ears, nose, throat and head. It provides relief from problems like pain in the neck, stiffness, feeling of numbness and feeling of heavy head due to neck pain. Generally Panchmool, Dashmool, Musta, Bel and Bala are used in this.
Manya Basti
In this Ayurvedic therapy for neck pain, a circular frame is made by making a paste of black gram. After this frame is stuck in the neck with the help of dough. Now hot medicated oil is poured on the back of the neck and the frame is attached in such a way that the oil does not come out from the neck.
Ayurvedic treatment for neck pain: Herbs
Gokshru is full of many medicinal benefits. The pain in the body due to Vata dosha is reduced. Gokshura can be used in the form of a decoction or powder to treat nerve pain. By the use of Gokshura, the ama present in the body comes out.
It has anti-inflammatory properties, which reduces swelling of the neck. Ashwagandha is effective in Ayurvedic treatment of neck pain caused by inflammation, muscle damage and weakened immunity.
Rasonam is very useful in controlling many types of pain. It can be used in the form of oil, powder, extract or juice. Toxic substances come out from the body by its use. It reduces neck cramps, pain and swelling.
Ayurvedic treatment for neck pain: medicine
Laksha Guggul
Nagabala, Guggul, Arjuna and Ashwagandha are present in this Ayurvedic medicine for neck pain. It is useful for treating joint pain caused due to ageing.
Maharasnadi Kashaya
Herbs like Guduchi, Castor, Punarnava, Gokshura, Ashwagandha, Amaltas, Ginger etc. are present. This Ayurvedic medicine for neck pain is also useful in arthritis or sciatica.
Which oil is best for neck pain
Prasarni oil
Combination of many herbs like Jatamansi, Pippali, Rasna, Sesame oil and Chitrak, this oil is a pain reliever. It is used to treat neck pain caused by osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Dashmool Kwath
It is an Ayurvedic decoction, in which 10 roots like Agnimanth, Kantakari, Shyonak, Prishniparni, Bilva (Bel), Gokshura are present. This decoction is used to cure Vata disorder. It is effective in Ayurvedic treatment of neck pain due to Vata imbalance.
Apart from the above mentioned medicines, Yograj Guggulu, Triphala Rasayan etc. are also consumed as Ayurvedic medicine for neck pain.
How effective is Ayurvedic medicine for neck pain?
A clinical study found that Ayurvedic treatment of neck pain provides relief in pain. The use of some Ayurvedic medicines along with Manya Basti Ayurvedic Therapy has been found to be effective in neck pain.
Yoga asanas for neck pain
- Balasana or Child Pose
- Natarajasana or Tweaking Twist
- Marjari Asana or Cat Pose
- Viparita Karani Asana or Legs-up-the-Wall Pose
- Utthita Trikonasana or Extended Triangle Pose
- Shava Asana or Corpse Pose.
Lifestyle changes
Lifestyle changes during Ayurvedic treatment for neck pain in Ayurveda
What to do?
- Include rice, wheat and urad dal in the diet.
- Consume grapes, mango, pomegranate, ber, phalsa etc. in fruits.
- Eat vegetables like Parwal, Drumstick, Brinjal.
- Consume garlic, coconut water, ghee, milk in food.
- Do neck stretching exercises.
- Keep the correct posture.
- Get enough sunlight.
What not to do?
- Do not consume okra, cauliflower, leafy vegetables, bitter gourd etc.
- Do not stop hunger, thirst, stool and urine.
- Do not eat pulses like tur, peas, gram and moong dal.
What are the home remedies to get rid of neck pain?
If you have neck pain or stiffness, try these simple steps to get relief from it:
- Apply ice packs to neck pain or swelling. If you prefer, a heating pad can also be used.
- Exercise to strengthen muscles, relieve and prevent neck stiffness.
- Tension can cause strain on the neck muscles. Reducing stress can treat and prevent neck pain and stiffness.