Bed Wetting in Problem Children
- 14 Oct, 2021
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Children often wet beds at night. This problem occurring in children is also called Bed wetting. In this, the child automatically passes urine after sleeping at night. You don’t have to worry too much about it. This can happen if the child does not get toilet training properly. This is a normal part of the child’s development.
Bed Waiting is not a concern until the age of 7. By this age, your child may be learning to stop urination at night. If after this age you are having trouble wetting the bed at night, then you should understand this problem and treat it.
Causes of urination in bed
For various reasons, children urinate in bed at bedtime, such as:
- Your child’s bladder may not have developed enough to stop urination at night.
- If the veins that control the bladder are slowly maturing, the child does not open sleep when he urinates. This is especially so during deep sleep.
- Some children do not have enough urine-resistant hormones in the body to reduce urination at night in the child.
- A child may have difficulty stopping urination due to urethra infection.
- In sleep apnea, there is difficulty in breathing during sleep, in which urine can sometimes come out at bedtime.
- In addition, the child may wet the bed at night due to diabetes, chronic constipation, urinary tract or nervous system
- tructure.
Types of bed wetting
The problem of bed waiting can be divided into two parts, which are as follows:
Primary nocturnal enuresis: When a child has been bed wetting since childhood and continues even after the age of five, it is called primary bed waiting.
Secondary nocturnal enuresis: In this case the child stops wetting the bed for about six months, but then the problem starts again.
If you also wonder why your child wet the bed, the answer is in the next part of the article. First know the reason for primary bed waiting.
Due to primary bed waiting
Bedwetting in sleep is not a mischief or laziness of children, but there can be some reasons behind this problem, which are as follows:
Bladder problems: Some children have a very small bladder, due to which they are unable to control the high amount of urine. In such a situation, excessive intake of fluids can cause pressure on the bladder and can cause bleeding in children. In addition, some children also take time to learn to control their bladder.
Antidiuretic hormone: These hormones control urine in the body (4). Lack of these can often cause bed wetting in children.
Deep Sleep: Sometimes due to deep sleep, children do not feel bladder pressure and do not feel the need to go to the bathroom. This may also be one reason why children wet the bed.
After knowing the reasons for primary bed waiting, let us tell you what can be caused by secondary bed waiting.
Due to secondary bed waiting
The reasons for secondary bed waiting may be different due to secondary bed waiting,:
- Urinary tract infection
- diabetes
- Kidney problem
- Suffering from sleep apnea
- Due to constipation
- Due to pinworm
- Enlarged thyroid hormone
Bed wetting risk factors
The following risk factors may be behind the problem of bed waiting:
- If the child’s parents or both of them have been suffering from bed waiting problem.
- This problem is more common among boys than girls.
- This problem is more common in children between five and eight years of age.
- Weak economic conditions and living in rural areas.
- Suffering from emotional or psychological factors such as stress or depression.
- Any type of family problem.
- Just wetting the bed does not diagnose the problem of bed waiting. This requires medical checkup, which we are talking about in the next part of the article. Further know how bed weighting can be diagnosed.
Bed wetting diagnosis
The reason behind why your child wet the bed can be determined with the help of diagnosis. The following types of procedures are done for this:
Bladder Diary: In this you need to keep in mind how much water or other drinks your child consumes and how often he uses the bathroom. Apart from this, you also need to keep in mind how often the child wet the bed in a month. For the correct diagnosis, you will have to give this complete information related to the child to the doctor.
Urine test: Doctors can check your child’s urine. This test can detect bacteria or infections present in urine. The presence of white blood cells and bacteria in the urine can be a symptom of urinary tract infection.
Other scans: The doctor may also do some other scans of your child, such as ultrasound, MRI, urodynamic testing. With the help of these scans, any birth defects present in the child or any blockage in the urinary tract can be detected. These scans can determine the size of the bladder, weak muscles and muscle movements.
Bed wetting complications
Although, one does not face any serious physical complications due to bed wetting, but some of the problems mentioned below can definitely come in front of you:
Skin rashes: Due to being in contact with the wet bed overnight, there can be rashes in and around the baby’s genitals. This can also happen to children who sleep in diapers overnight.
Psychological complications: A child may feel embarrassed about wetting the bed again and again. This may cause a decrease in their self-esteem.
Lack of confidence: Due to inability to control urine, the smell of urine often starts coming from children. Because of this, they seem to lack confidence in getting up and sitting among the people.
Tips to prevent or prevent bed waiting problem.
To save your child from the problem of bed waiting, you can adopt the following preventive measures :
- Make it a habit for the child to go to the bathroom every two to three hours. Try to go to the bathroom at least four to seven times a day.
- Try not to consume too much beverages during the night, but rather get up and drink well from morning till 5 in the evening.
- Prevent children from drinking coffee, citrus juice and sports drinks. They can produce more urine in the body.
- If the child is suffering from constipation, get him treated soon.
- Apart from these preventive measures, some changes in lifestyle can also bring relief from the problem of bed waiting. We will discuss this issue in the next part of the article.
Lifestyle changes to prevent bedwetting in children
By making some changes in the lifestyle of children, you can solve their problem of bedwetting. These changes can be as follows:
- Have the child go to the bathroom before going to bed at night.
- Make him a habit of drinking soup before dinner instead of juice or some other drink.
- Let the child get into the habit of drinking a full glass of water at one go. Repeatedly drinking some water will put pressure on the bladder.
- According to the advice of the doctor, make a time table of how long after drinking water, the child has to send to the bathroom and do the same. In this way, the child will gradually start to understand how much time his bladder gets full and when he needs to urinate.
- Instead of scolding children, talk to them and explain to them that this is a problem from which relief can be found. Scolding can make a child nervous and take longer to recover.
- During the treatment, whenever the child does not wet the bed overnight, praise him. This will increase his confidence and the problem will be treated soon.
Ayurvedic treatment by CAC
1.Immuno up sachet
It is pure herbal formulation. The importance of working on your immunity is now on an all-time high. If a person fall ill easily, it means their body’s immunity is low. This pacifies tridosha (Vata, pitta and Kapha), strengthen your immunity, keeps your digestive system fit and also detox your body. It also works in cold, fever and flu conditions. It consists of effective levels of antioxidants, Vitamin C and E which circulate in the body to protect it against the damage caused by free radicals. it is a natural immune-modulator properties to prevent and ease coughing, sneezing, etc. It provides quick relief from early signs of running nose, Sore throat, body pains, and weakness.
Recommended dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water
2.Liver care syrup
Liver Care syrup helps in balancing Pitta dosha. This Syrup enhances regeneration of liver cells, promote functions of liver, and improve blood flow from the liver. It helps in the treatment of fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, Hepatitis, and obstructive Jaundice. It contains Ingredients like Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), Kutaki (Picrorhiza kurroa), Bhumi amla( phyllanthus niruri), Giloy(Tinopora Cordifolia), Yavakshar( Hordeum vulgare), Imli Kshar( Tamarindus indica), Mukta Shukta pisti etc. These herbs shows Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, Hepato-protective, properties. This syrup improves digestion, enhances appetite. All signs & symptoms related with diarrhea are treated with the regular use of this syrup.
Recommended Dosage: Take 2 teaspoonful twice daily.
3.Nerve up tablet:
These tablets are pure ayurvedic formulation. Nerve up tablets help in balancing the vata doshas and kapha dosha. It acts as nervine stimulant. It shows effective results in improving the central nervous system. It contains natural ingredients like shudha kuchala, shudha shilajeet, praval pishti, shankh bhasma etc. This tablet helps in Backache, kneepain, headache, bronchitis, depression.
Recommended Dosage– Take 1 tablet twice daily.
4.Mann Mitra
It is tablet is herbal and purely ayurvedic medicine. It is used in Ayurvedic treatment for psychiatric conditions and help to balance all the three doshas of body i.e vata, pitta, kapha. CAC Mann Mitra tablet improves intelligence and speech problems. It is helpful for making the nervous system strong and nerves as well. It contains various herbs like Bala, Vacha, Shankhpushpi, Nagkeshar etc that help you fight insomnia, anxiety, and stress. It works as a antioxidant, anti depressant, immuno booster, anti epileptic and as neuro protective drug.