Calcium Rich Fruits and Vegetables
- 15 Jan, 2022
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- Calcium is essential for overall health. Almost every cell in body uses calcium in some way. Some parts where bodies use calcium is in our nervous system, heart , bone and muscles. Human bones store calcium in addition to providing support for our bodies.
- With the age body absorb less and less calcium from diet, causing our bodies to take more and more calcium from our bones. With the time this aging process can cause or contribute to osteoporosis or osteopenia.
- Calcium is a mineral important for the growth and keep strong teeth and bones, nerves, muscle contraction, and secretion of many hormones and enzymes.
FUNCTIONS OF CALCIUM:- Calcium has several important functions:-
- It helping build bones and keep teeth healthy
- Regulating muscle contractions, including your heartbeat
- Making sure blood clots normally
- A lack of calcium could lead to a condition called rickets in children, and osteomalacia or osteoporosis in later life.
- Muscle cramps
- Dry skin
- Brittle nails
- Tooth decay
- Late puberty
- PMS symptoms
- Tooth decay
- Insomnia
COLLARD GREENS:- Bone is one of the most vital structures in body. Hence the body filled with calcium is extremely necessary. Collard greens are a good source of Vitamin A and contain calcium as well. Proper intake of this vegetable can offer our body with good sources of calcium. One cup of collard greens form more than 350 milligrams of calcium.
BROCCOLI:- Broccoli contains of a good amounts of protein and calcium. These vegetables can provide body with a number of mineral and valuable elements which will help you grow. Broccoli contains with dietary fibre, vitamins such as A, C and K . No other vegetables are rich in calcium like this Broccoli
SPINACH:- This is another protein and calcium rich vegetable which should be consumed daily. Spinach is an very useful vegetable which contains about 6 milligrams of calcium per mug. This vegetable can boost immunity quickly because of the contents of valuable vitamins such as A, K, etc. Spinach also has a sufficient amounts of manganese.
TURNIP GREENS:- The green portions of turnip are high in calcium. These vegetables are very good for health and can provide good quality proteins and vitamins. Most of the people prefer this vegetable for cooking which is rich in calcium along with some other healthy vitamins.
GARLIC:- Garlic is good for health and is necessary for adding a little taste to a number of dishes. Garlic contains about 5 milligrams of calcium per clove which is equal to 181 milligrams of calcium of per 100-gram serving. This is one of the good calcium-rich vegetables. It improve bone health.
LADY-FINGER:- Lady finger comes with good proportions of calcium and is one of the best sources among the list of Calcium rich vegetables. This vegetable contains 177 milligrams of calcium . Several Indian people use this high in calcium vegetables regularly in their recipes.
SPRING-ONIONS:- Spring onions are a very strong source of vegetables rich in calcium as well and the fact that you can eat this vegetable raw provides for a direct provision of strong calcium to your body.
APRICOTS:-Out of the many calcium-rich fruits, apricots is the best. Include more apricots in your diet .It is very beneficial for bone health.
KIWI:-Not only are kiwis rich in vitamin C, but calcium content that is beneficial for the body. The kiwi fruit contains 60 milligrams of calcium. It improve bone and heart health. It also help to remove toxins out.
ORANGES:- Oranges are also one of the best sources of calcium after vitamin C. Orange peels also contain calcium and several type of Vit. Vit C helps your liver detoxification.
BLACKBERRIES:- strawberries and raspberries are a few fruits that are rich sources of calcium. Blackberry contains vital minerals such as calcium and magnesium which are essential for maintaining healthy bones. It contain more than 20 milligrams of calcium each.
STRAWBERRIES:-Calcium-rich fruits: Strawberries help keep the bad cholesterol at bay and are thus quite heart-friendly.
PINEAPPLES:-Pineapples are great fruits; however, may not be suggested to diabetics. These juicy fruits are said to be packed with calcium along with other vitamins and minerals.
LITCHI:-Litchi may have the least amount of calcium, but when mixed with a fruit-bowl, it will only help enhance up to the mineral content.It is a rich source of a magnesium and phosphorus ,which is important for building strong bones.
FOODS HIGH IN CALCIUM:-Sources of calcium include:
- Milk, cheese and other dairy foods
- Green leafy vegetables – like broccoli, cabbage and okra, but not spinach
- Soya beans
- Tofu
- Soya drinks with added calcium
- Nuts
- Bread and whatever made with fortified flour
- Fish where you eat the bones – like sardines and pilchards