Dysentery (Parvahika)
- 13 Sep, 2021
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Dysentery is agonizing intestinal contamination that is normally brought about by microbes or parasites. Looseness of the bowels is characterized as the runs in which there is blood, discharge, and mucous, typically joined by stomach torment. It generally goes on for 3 to 7 days.
As indicated by Ayurveda, it tends to be related to the infection Pravahika which shows as Atipravahana of Purisha (rehashed crap), Atidrava Purisha Pravritti (watery stool), Udarashoola (torment midsection), Picchila, Saphena (tacky and foamy), and Raktayukta Purisha.
There are two primary types of dysentery:
The first type, amoebic diarrhea or intestinal amoebiasis, is brought about by a solitary celled, tiny parasite living in the enormous entrail.
The second type of, bacillary dysentery, is brought about by obtrusive microbes. The two types of looseness of the bowels happen for the most part in hot nations. Helpless cleanliness and sterilization increment the danger of diarrhea by spreading the parasite or microbes that reason it through food or water debased from tainted human excrement.
Samprapti (Pathogenesis) of Parvahika
Aggrivated vata dosha drag accumulated kapha from amashya
Bring into pakvashya
Due to Ruksha and khar guna of vata & snigdha guna of kledka kapha
Obstruction is created
Kapha adhers wall of pakvashya internally
This process is called as Pravahika
Causes of Dysentery
Shigellosis and amebic loose bowels commonly result from helpless disinfection. This alludes to conditions where individuals who don’t have looseness of the bowels come into contact with fecal matter from individuals who do have diarrhea.
This contact might be through:
- Contaminated food
- Contaminated water and different beverages
- Poor hand washing by contaminated individuals
- Swimming in contaminaed water, like lakes or pools
- Physical contact
Kids are most in danger of shigellosis; however anybody can get it at whatever stage in life. It’s effectively spread through individual to-individual contact and by sullied food and drink.
Shigellosis generally spreads among individuals who are in close contact with a tainted individual, like individuals:
- At home
- In day care focuses
- In schools
- In nursing homes
Amebic diarrhea is fundamentally spread by eating sullied food or drinking defiled water in tropical territories that have helpless sterilization.
Symptoms of Dysentery
- Stomach torment and squeezing
- Loose bowels
- Loss of hunger
- High fever that is 100 degrees or more
- Extreme stomach torment regardless of whether contacted tenderly
- Stomach Bloating
- A frantic sensation of continually passing stools
- Weight reduction; and An extreme migraine
Management of Dysentery
- The danger of this issue in poor clean conditions can be brought down by:
- Drinking just filtered water or water that has been bubbled for in any event 1 moment
- Drinking different liquids (like pop) from fixed jars or containers
- Not adding ice shapes to drinks
- Not eating unpeeled products of the soil
- Not eating or drinking unpasteurized milk, cheddar, or dairy items
- Not eating food sources or beverages sold by road merchants
- Washing hands frequently with cleanser and water or utilizing hand sanitizer