Herbal Remedies for Ayurvedic Treatment of Baldness, Hair Loss
- 16 Sep, 2021
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Baldness or hair loss is a condition in which no new growth of the hair are seen on the scalp or there is excessive hair loss. These problems are mostly related to ageing and can be seen in men, women and children at any point of the age.
Some of the reasons for hair loss and greying of hair are:
- Consumption of Unhealthy food
- Living in unhygienic conditions
- Consumption of alcohol and caffeine
- Due to physical or emotional stress
- Burns
- Fever
- Depression
- Hormonal changes
- Exposure to certain medications such as antidepressants, blood thinning medicines etc
- Fungal infection
- Due to deficiency of iron, copper, iodine and vitamin B
- Not cleaning the scalp regularly or using very hot water while washing hair
- Regular usage of hair dyes
- Hereditary factors also play a major role in the hair loss and premature hair greying
- Loss of hair or hair fall
- Graying of hair
- Brittle hair
- Headache
- Thinning of hair
- Appearing of large amounts of hair in combs
According to Ayurveda, hair fall and premature graying of hair can be compared with khalitya and palitya. These are mainly caused due to vitiation of the pitta dosha. Increased intake of fried, sour, spicy, salty and fermented foods aggravate the pitta dosha in the body. The aggravated pitta then accumulates in the skin of the scalp leading to hair fall and premature graying. However vata and kapha dosha are also responsible for causing this condition, but this is mainly caused due to the vitiated pitta dosha.
Ayurveda also believes that rasa dhatu is responsible for healthy hair. When the rasa dhatu is not formed properly, it leads to white hair.
Panchkarma therapies that can be done in this case are:
- Nasya
- Shirodhara
- Shiroabhyanga
- Virechan
- Prachanna, where in lepa is applied over the scalp after piercing the area with the needle. This promotes the hair growth.
Single herbs beneficial in hair loss and premature graying of hair are:
- Reetha
- Shikakai
- Amla
- Bhringraj
- Yashtimadhu
- Aloe vera
- Guduchi
- Manjishtha
- Neem
Ayurvedic formulations for this condition are:
- Bhringamalaki tailam
- Bhringraj tailam
- Neeli bhringadi oil
- Kesharanjani oil
- Yakrit Vati
- Aarogyavardhini Vati
- Aloe vera juice
- Amla juice
- Royal look Shampoo
- Increase the intake of green leafy vegetables, milk, fruits and sprouts in your diet.
- Avoid consuming alcohol.
- Vegetable juice prepared from lettuce, carrot, capsicum and alfalfa is good for the growth of hair.
- Avoid tea, coffee, meat and fried, oily, greasy, spicy, sour and acidic foods.
- Practice Kapalbhati to arrest the graying of hair
- Use organic and herbal products to keep your hair healthy and natural.
- Avoid refined foods, junk food and carbonated beverages.
- Practice Prasanna Mudra(keep hand near the chest. Rub the nails of the eight fingers against each other for 5 to 10 minutes every day. The thumbs should be straight. This slows down the hair loss and reduces gray hair.
- Practice Mandukasana. This is highly beneficial for preventing premature graying of hair.
- Massage your head on a regular basis to prevent hair loss and premature graying.
- Cut, deseed and crush 4-5 Indian gooseberries to a paste. Apply this paste on the scalp and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Then wash hair with normal water.
- Take 7-8 crushed curry leaves and add three tablespoons of coconut oil to it. Heat this mixture for 5-7 minutes. Strain the mixture and massage on scalp when lukewarm.
- Take one teaspoon of lemon juice and add two teaspoon of almond oil. Mix well and massage with this on the scalp.
- Eat a handful of white sesame with jaggery as they contain sufficient amount of magnesium and calcium that are highly essential for the growth of your hair.
- Apply a paste made from two teaspoons of henna powder, one teaspoon curd, one teaspoon fenugreek seed powder, one tablespoon coffee, two tablespoons mint and tulsi juice. Apply this paste over the scalp for atleast two hours. Then wash off the hair with the herbal shampoo.