Home Remedies For Memory Loss
- 09 Feb, 2022
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The person whose memory power becomes weak or he forgets things very often, he has to face many problems in life.
Effective home remedies for memory loss
Weakness of memory is not a simple disease, it is a serious disease and weakening of memory also increases the chances of many other diseases like Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Schizophrenia. Weak memory is actually a very painful and painful condition for a person. Think about how it would feel if you forgot the moments spent with your family and friends. Although the disease related to memory occurs in the elderly, but sometimes in some people this problem occurs even at a young age, sometimes due to any injury, the memory becomes weak but there are some home medicines and foods which make your memory strong.
Effective Home Remedies for Memory Loss
Rosemary is a natural medicine used for flavoring and flavoring Italian cuisine. Apart from curing diseases related to memory, rosemary is also very helpful in the treatment of many other diseases. You can use 30 to 40 milligrams of rosemary daily, either dry or fresh. According to studies, rosemary supplementation is also helpful in returning the lost memory and apart from this it also helps in strengthening the memory and functioning of brain cells properly. Also Read – Home Remedies: Are you troubled by the open pores of your face? So these 5 tips will come in handy. Watch Video
Blueberry is not only delicious but it is also full of many health properties and very effective in bringing back the lost memory. Blueberry also prevents short term memory loss. You can also use blueberries as a fruit or make a shake. By including blueberries in your daily life, you can stay away from diseases related to memory, besides it is rich in anti-oxidants which is beneficial for your overall health.
Herbal tea
You can use a variety of herbal teas as a treatment for memory loss. Herbal tea can be made using rosemary, sage, basil etc. Boil half a teaspoon of any of this medicine in a cup of water and boil it for 15 to 20 minutes and then filter it and drink it. Herbal tea calms your mind by removing stress because sometimes stress also increases the risk of memory loss. Apart from this, these medicines can be used for massage in the form of oil. For massage, mix a few drops of olive oil in basil or rosemary oil and massage the area around the head and neck with a light hand daily.
Carrots are very beneficial for increasing memory power and memory loss because the caroten found in carrots is a natural memory booster. Therefore, to avoid memory loss and strengthen memory cells, use carrots daily. You can also use carrot raw or make its juice.
Lecithin found in soybean is very helpful in the treatment of memory loss. It provides strength to the brain cells and protects the nerves and cells of the brain from weakening. If you use soybean every day, it gives you psychological and mental strength. You can use soya by making juice and apart from this, you can also take ready-made juice from the market.
After an age, often while doing some work, we forget what we have to do now or who we are going to call now. All this happens because of the weakness of our memory. The main reason for this is the lack of nutrients available to our body, due to which we forget small things.
But we want to tell you through this news that how you can increase your memory by adopting home remedies and get rid of the problem of forgetting. For this, we are going to tell you five ways, with the help of which you can make your memory like before
Brahmi is considered such a herb of Ayurveda which can easily treat 97 percent disorders of the brain. Its regular consumption will not only improve our memory but also improve our intellectual ability. Brahmi contains many bioactive chemicals like bauxite, sitagmasterol, which improves the functioning of our brain and maintains our memory even in old age.
It is often said that eating one apple every day does not require a doctor. But you will be surprised to know that there are many such chemicals in apple which provide energy not only to our body but also to our brain. Apples contain an antioxidant called quercetin, which prevents the degradation of cells in the brain over a period of time. It also reduces the risk of diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
Fish oil supplement
Fish oil contains do-cohexaenoic acid, including omega 3 fatty acids and eic-septanoic acid, which work to enhance memory while reducing fat stress and anxiety. If your memory is weak then consuming fish is beneficial for you.
Consumption of ginseng
it is also considered better for increasing memory and intellectual ability. It contains an active ingredient called ginsenoside which works to enhance the nootopic effect. With the help of which it helps to remember something for a long time.
Consumption of Shankhpushpi
Consumption of Shankhpushpi is also considered beneficial in strengthening the memory. There are many types of anti-oxide in this herb, which not only helps in improving our diminishing memory, but its use also treats stress, insomnia, anxiety. It enhances the connection between brain cells and improves brain function.