- 29 Apr, 2022
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Home remedies for Psoriasis – Psoriasis is the chronic non infectious disease of the skin which is non- inflammatory in nature. in this condition, epidermal cells are produced at a rate of six to eight time faster than normal. Chances of having psoriasis is equal in both males and females. It occurs in cycles, flaring for a few weeks or month and then subsiding for a while or going into remission. psoriasis is characterized by erythema and elevated scaly plaques. various treatments and are available to manage the symptoms of the disease and also by changing lifestyle and adopting various coping strategies you can live a far better life with psoriasis.
Psoriasis is mainly caused due to problem in immune system. It can also occur due to genetic and environmental factors and psoriasis is not contagious at all. Common trigger factors for psoriasis are :
- Skin trauma like cut, sunburn etc
- Excessive stress can trigger psoriasis
- Viral and bacterial infections
- Pre exposure of this disease to one of the family members
- Alcohol consumption in excessive amounts
- Weather changes
- Rapid withdrawal of cortico steroids.
- Metabolic factors like calcium deficiency
- Drugs like lithium and beta blockers
- Hormonal factors like pregnancy
Many people think that psoriasis is a contagious disease, but in reality it is non infectious and non contagious in nature because this condition is related to hyperactive immune system of the body.
It can vary from person to person but following are the symptoms that occurs commonly :
- Red patches of skin
- Itching or burning
- Dry , scaly skin that may bleed on touch
- Selling in joints
- Stiffness in joints
By adopting few lifestyle changes and following some effective home remedies for psoriasis, it can be managed very well. Here are some effective home remedies for psoriasis:
- Apple cider vinegar: it is very effective in relieving itchiness occurring in psoriasis. Mix a cup of apple cider vinegar in the water. just dip or dab this solution on the affected area of the body. It effectively reduces itching on affected part.
- ALOE VERA : Aloe Vera has anti- inflammatory and moisturizing propeties which keeps the skin hydrated by improving skin hydration and helps in the reduction of skin patches caused by psoriasis. aloe vera gel is the best remedy in clearing psoriasis in smaller areas.
- TEA TREE OIL: by using shampoo containing tea tree oil helps in curing psoriasis on the scalp.
- BALANCED AND HEALTHY DIET: By consuming more fruits and vegetables is the part of the psoriasis home remedies to cure the disease. balanced diet provides sufficient amount of vitamins and nutrients to the body that in return helps in reducing the symptoms of psoriasis.
- TURMERIC : Turmeric plays an important role in cooking but apart from this it is known to be very much effective in skin disorders like psoriasis as it has poerful anti- microbial , anti- inflammatory and anti- oxidant properties.
CAC CURCUMIN CAPSULE is a herbo-mineral capsule of size 500 MG which is 100% safe and is purely ayurvedic formulation.
CAC Curcumin Capsules helps in pacifying all three doshas. Curcumin Capsule is beneficial for variety of skin conditions like Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, and Dermatitis. This Capsule contains standardized extract of the herb Curcumin (Curcuma longa). Curcumin is the active ingredient in Turmeric having powerful Anti-inflammatory, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Anti-microbial and Antioxidant properties. These Capsules lowers the risk of Heart Attack, prevents Cancer by reducing the growth of cancerous cells, helps in treating Alzheimer’s disease, Rheumatoid arthritis and also has Anti-depressant property. These Capsules are very popular Anti-aging supplement.
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antioxidant
- Acne
- Eczema
- Psoriasis
- Osteoarthritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Delays the aging process
- Anti-depressant
- Antibacterial
- Antimicrobial
- Anti-cancerous
- Dermatitis
- Regulates body fat
- Diabetes
- Antifungal
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Immune-modulator
- EPITOM SALT : Take a cup of epitome salt and mix it the the tub while taking bath. it is one of the best home remedies for psoriasis as it reduces the swelling of the body and gradually heals psoriasis.
- CAPSAICIN: It is the active component f the chili peppers belongs to the capsicum family. It helps in cutting out the pain and inflammation of the affected part. be cautious while using this as solution more than0.075 percent can cause skin burns
- vitamin D : taking vitamin d by sitting in the morning sun or by taking suppliments of vitamin D helps in curing psoriasis as it reduces T cell production in the immune system.
- FISH OIL: Taking fish oil supplement reduces inflammation and helps in curing psoriasis.
- WRAPPING: Plastic wrapper is a good treatment for psoriasis. place wrappers over the skin that has been moisturized, helps with lesions and general healings but do not use it for long time as it causes other infections.
- STOP SMOKING : in case, you are addicted to smoking you must quit it as it can be the trigger factor for the psoriasis. For effective results in psoriasis , one should change their daily lifestyle too.
Many people cure their psoriasis only by choosing what to avoid and what eat in psoriasis. Here are some foods that you should avoid in psoriasis:
- Potatoes, tomatoes, peas and spinach
- Citrus fruits
- Curd must be avoided in patients with psoriasis
- Peanuts and paneer
- Avoid taking non- veg diet
- peanut butter and cashews
- alcohol and caffeine in any form
Following are the foods that you can take during psoriasis without giving a second thought :
- Sweet potatoes, radish , green beans, bitter gourd, bottle guard etc.
- Coconut water, water melon and guavas etc
- Olive oil, fish oil and flaxseed oil.
- Cumin, turmeric , coriander, ginger and fenugreek
- Almond milk and cow’s ghee