- 27 Jan, 2022
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A Hydrocele is a condition characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the sac formed around the testicles. This fluid collection is generally results from an inflammation or injury in the testicles (scrotum).
In Ayurveda science, hydrocele is considered as “Mutravridhi” (Swelling in sac). The cause of “Mutravridhi” is collection of fluid in the sac due to vitiation of vata dosha and rakta dhatu, which in turn can be due to internal derangement or external aghata (injury/trauma).
What causes hydrocele?
Cause In Newborn
- A hydrocele can develop before birth. Generally, the testicles get off from the developing baby’s abdominal cavity into the scrotal sac. A sac accompanies each testicle, allowing fluid to surround the testicles. Typically, each sac closes and the fluid is absorbed.
- Sometimes, the fluid remains after the sac closes. The fluid is usually absorbed slowly within the first year of life. But sometimes, the sac remains open (communicating hydrocele). If the scrotum is compressed, fluid can flow back into the abdomen. Communicating hydroceles are usually associated with inguinal hernia.
Cause In Older Males
- A hydrocele can develop because of injury or inflammation within the testicles. Inflammation might be due to an infection in the scrotum or in the small, coiled tube at the back of each testicular.
Symptoms Of Hydrocele
Typically hydrocele is a painless condition. The One and only symptom to be noticed is inflamed testicles or painless swelling in scrotum. Older males can get a sensation of heaviness in the scrotum while doing their routine work. In certain conditions, swelling can be more in the morning as comparison in the evening
- History taking
- Diagnosis through signs and symptoms
- Physical examinations
- Ultrasound scanning
- Spreading of the infection to other sites
- Hydrocele associated with inguinal hernia and tumour leads to complications.
Ayurveda Treatment Principles For Hydrocele
As per Ayurveda, vata dosha is dominant in hydrocele development, which is especially allied with kapha dosha. The placement of hydrocele is in VATA regions, but fluid collections informed the KAPHA. Therefore, the treatment soothes both Vat and Kapha dosha is required in such cases.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Hydrocele
According to Ayurvedic treatment for hydrocele, it is the application of herbs with medicinal properties to get rid of symptoms of hydrocele and prevent the problem from getting complicated into infections, hernia and tumors.
List Of Single Ayurvedic Herbs That Are Beneficial To Treat Hydrocele-
- Eranda- Ricinus Communis
- Surabhi Jala (Go Mutra)
- Shigru Phala (Drumstick)
- Patolam (Pointed Gourd)
- Punarnava (Boerhavia Diffusa)
- Gokshura (Tribulus Terrestris)
- Tambula (Betel Leaves)
- Agnimantha (Premna Integrifolia)
- Varun (Crataeva Nurvala)
- Haritaki (Terminali Chebula)
- Lahsuna (Allium Sativum)
- Carrot (Daucus Carota)
- Priyangu Callicarpa Macrophylla
- Honey
Swedana Karma (Sudation Therapy)
People searching for hydrocele management in Ayurveda can opt for Swedana. Also famed steaming, sudation, sweating treatment, fomentation should be taken with a decoction prepared from Shirovirechana dravyas. This is an herb that is employed for nasal congestion and head cleansing. Make sure the testicles are bandaged with a sterile cloth.
Vedhana Karma
Vrihimukha Shastra is another ayurvedic remedy for hydrocele (mutravridhi). It is simply the puncturing of the hydrocele using an apparatus identical to the cannula and trocar. This procedure drains out the fluid accumulated in the scrotum hereby, relieving symptoms of hydrocele. After the draining process, the scrotum should be bandaged and changed at regular intervals to fend off infections. Followed by the bandaging, the recommended wound healing medicines should be taken.
Classical Formulations For Hydrocele
Narayana Tailam:
- Narayana tailm can be employed in the form of internal (oral consumption) or massage or enema.
- This medicated oil helps to alliavates the inguinal-scrotal swelling.
Vachadi Kalka
- Vachadi Kalka is a herbal paste prepared from Ayurveda herbs Vacha and sarshapa (mustard seeds) that is employed over the scrotum or any type of swelling over the scrotum.
- This paste reduces swelling around scrotum.
Shigru-Sarshapa Kalka
- A herbal paste prepared from mustard seeds, drumstick can also alleviate the swelling in hydrocele.
Ardraka Swarasa
- Drinking a blend of ginger juice with honey can also endowed relief from the symptoms of hydrocele.
Haritaki Yoga
- To treat hydrocele, take out the seeds of haritaki fruit.
- After that cook Haritaki fruit in castor oil and grate it into a pulp.
- Mix the pulp with rock salt and consume it on an empty stomach.
Haritakyadi Yoga
- Prepare an herbal paste by mixing equal parts of long pepper, Haritaki, and sandhava lavana (rock salt). Take this in size of small pea-sized globules.
Devadarvadi Kashayam
- Make a decoction using herbal drugs such as Devadaru and Daruharidra to get rid of the symptoms of hydrocele.
Some diet (Aahar) and lifestyle changes (Vihar) are also recommends managing the hydrocele. These include:
- Diet Recommendations (Aahar)
- Consume food items that are easy to digest should be consumed
- foods that lead to indigestion or stomach problems should be avoided
- limit excessive salt intake and astringent foods
- avoid alcohol and smoking
Lifestyle Changes (Vihar)
- Reduces Stress level
- Avoid excessive exercise
- Avoid unprotected and excessive sex
- Avoid suppression of urges (vegavidharan)
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