Shirodhara Benefits for Insomnia Problem
- 14 Sep, 2021
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In the science of Ayurveda, Nindra (sleep) is considered as one of the tripods of life. Life or death of a person significantly depends on the sleeping pattern and quality of rest. But, in current epoch, adopting modern life style and several social and environmental distresses are increases the stress levels across the globe. Many are experiencing high pressure and stressful life in this competitive world many people are suffering from high blood pressure and stressful life. Stress is a stimulus that disturbs human’s mental or physical resemblance. Chronic stress leads to Insomnia, which is known as ‘Anidra’. If insomnia is not treated in earlier stage, it may lead to anxiety and other psychosomatic disorders. There are various treatments in Ayurveda but shirodhara is a great line of treatment for insomnia.
- Shiro Sheka
- Sirothara
- Parisheka
- Shiro Parisheka
- Dhara
- Shirashek
- Insomnia and depression
- Sinusitis and allergic rhinitis
- Hair loss and greying of hair
- Neurological disorders
- Memory loss
- Hearing impairment and tinnitus
- Eye disorders
- Vertigo and headache
- Skin diseases like psoriasis.
Shirodhara is a Sanskrit word
Shiro=head dhara= Pouring medicine
- Loss of sleep can be extremely debilitating and can lead to exhaustion, lethargy and can also disturb your physical and emotional being.
- An excessive accumulation of vata dosha can lead to insomnia. shirodhara ultimate remedy of pacifying the abnormal vata doshas and improves quality of sleep.
- The herbal oil used in this treatment balances the cool, light, and fluctuating nature of the Vata dosha and hence provides relief from the various underlying symptoms of incresed Vata.
- In this treatment, medicinal oils and other fluids will be poured onto the head and scalp in a rhythmic way from certain height for prescribed time.
- It produces a soothing and calming sensation on the muscles of the head, which in turn passes via the superficial peripheral nerves of the forehead to the brain.
- The Luke warm herbal oils used for this procedure stimulates the various vital points all around the head and improves blood circulation in the brain.
- Shiro dhara is a most effective process of controlling or maintaining prana and vyana vatas, tarpaka, kapha and alochaka pitta.
- It maintains mental and physical equilibrium and also regulates the bioclocks of the human mind and body.
- It regulates the activity of the pituitary gland and treats conditions like insomnia (Anidra) by inducing sleep.
- The massage brings down the elevated serotonin levels, a neurotransmitter that stabilizes our mood, feelings of well-being, and happiness.
- It also decreases the level of adrenaline and noradrenaline hormones thus relax the mind and thereby helps in reducing stress and provides sound sleep.
- Hence corrects the pain stimulus and sleep disorders are also another segment where in shiro dhara helps.
Taila Dhara–
A single type of oil or a mixture of several ayurvedic oils are used in Taila dhara type of massage.
Takra Dhara
Takra dhara mostly uses buttermilk as the main ingredient.
Kwatha Dhara –
Depending upon the diagnosed condition or dosha imbalance, the main ingredient in kwatha dhara consists of decoctions made by using various herbs.
This type mostly uses milk as the main ingredient for the treatment
Jala Dhara
This type mostly uses coconut water as the main ingredient for the treatment. Generally used in case of Pitta imbalance in the body.
Shirodhara should not be done in the following conditions–
- Women at the last stage of pregnancy
- People having allergic reaction towards oil
- People suffering from nausea, vomiting, fever, fatigue or excessive sweating conditions.
- People suffering from a neck injury, brain tumour, or have cuts or abrasions on the forehead.