What is the Difference Between Immunity and Immune System
- 13 Jan, 2022
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What is the immune system and how to take care of it?
Just as the stronger the network in a smartphone, the better the conversation is, so does our body’s immune system. The stronger it is, the more healthy and fit we will be. But what is the immune system, we first know about it.
Immune system
The immune system of our body is not a single organ or unit, but it is a network of cells, tissues, and organs, which work together to protect the body. This network identifies pathogens (pathogens) and tumor cells (tumor cells) and then destroys them together with its network partners to keep the body healthy. The peculiarity of this network is that while it is able to identify infiltrating viruses to parasitic worms, it can also identify healthy cells and tissues of the body, so that no action is taken against them.
Experts say that there are five koshas of our body –
- Anamaya kosha formed from food and environment.
- Pranamaya kosha formed from breath.
- Manomaya kosha prepared from thought-words
- Vigyanamaya kosha equipped with consciousness and perception
- Anandamaya kosha, which emanates from bliss.
The network of the immune system to handle these five cells of our body broadly spans four levels – the physical, mental, emotional and consciousness levels.
Immune system network
The main components of the immune system include leukocytes (white blood cells), some cells in the bone marrow, lymph glands (lymphoid organs and soluble molecules such as antibodies) and the spleen. Leukocytes eat the foreign pathogens, bacteria etc. that attack the body.
T-lymphocyte and B-lymphocyte cells make their base in the lymphoid organs. They develop themselves and receive training to deal with antigens.
The bone marrow is the main lymphoid organ where the development of lymphocytes, especially B-lymphocytes, takes place. Similarly, a sufficient number of lymphocytes and lymph nodes are found in the bean-shaped spleen.
Because of this, the spleen filters the blood by trapping pathogens. Dead red blood cells go to the spleen and get separated from the blood. That is why it is also called the graveyard of red blood cells.
The immune system can be mainly divided into two parts.
- The first is the innate immunity- It does not develop due to any antigen, such as any kind of infection or vaccination. Rather, it is already present to keep our body running well.
- The second is the adaptive immune system- which we acquire in life through our lifestyle. When we fall prey to an infection, or come in contact with a pathogen, our body is ready to fight against it. We can make this adaptive immune system stronger with our efforts.
All we have to do for this is to take some time out for physical activity in life. Now suppose you exercise daily, then your body will gradually get stronger, but you are used to rest, then the body will not feel the need to stay strong and will get used to more rest. Therefore, the first step to strengthen the immune system is to make adequate balanced use of the body.
Identify this way, is your immune system weak?
Immunity is the ability of our body to fight against toxins. These toxins can be bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, or any other harmful substance.
Immunity is the ability of our body to fight against toxins. These toxins can be bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, or any other harmful substance.
There are many types of pathogens around us. We are not even aware and we absorb harmful substances with food, with drinking and even with breathing. Even after this, not everyone gets sick. Those whose immune system is strong, they cope better with these external infections. We can find out from the blood report about how our immunity is, but our body also starts giving us many types of signals.
- Frequent infections or allergies
If you find that you get sick more often than others, have colds, cough, sore throat or skin rashes, then it is very possible that it is due to your immune system. Positive candida test, frequent UTI, diarrhea, swollen gums, mouth ulcers, etc. are also symptoms of poor immunity.
- If there is no fever
When the body should get fever even if it does not come, it means that your immunity is weak. Due to fever, the body fights diseases and most of us take fever medicine, due to which fever does not work positively for us. If you have not had fever for many years even after infection, then this is also a symptom of weak immunity.
- Vitamin D deficiency
Vitamin D boosts immunity and is deficient in most people. If there is a deficiency of Vitamin D in your blood report, then you should make every effort to correct its level. Apart from this, constant fatigue, lethargy or such wounds that do not heal for a long time, sleeplessness, depression and dark circles are also a sign of weak immunity.
Signal of error
Many types of pathogens are found in our environment, which enter our body through food, water or breath. If the immune system is strong, then these pathogens are defeated, but if the immune system is weak, the person falls ill. The immune system is spread in all the five cells of the body, so as soon as the symptoms of disturbances in any one cell emerge, it starts getting signals from other cells.
For example, if your immune system is weak, then you get sick more often than others, have complaints of cold, cough, sore throat, swollen gums, mouth ulcers or skin rashes. At such a time, by getting a blood test done, you can find out whether your immune system is weakening.
How to keep immune system healthy?
“If the body is clean, then the disease is removed”
- A clean environment is essential for a strong immune system, as dirt increases the risk of getting infected.
- Wash hands thoroughly with antibacterial hand wash/lotions if exposed to dirt or germs throughout the day.
- Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating and cooking.
- Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing and eating food.
- Take bath daily. Keep the body as clean as possible.
- By doing this, where there will be protection from infection, the mind will be happy and this freshness will work to boost your immune system.
Use the body
- Just as the iron thing gets rusted by not using it, similarly not using the body causes the immune system to become sluggish.
- Exercise daily to strengthen the immune system.
- Use the stairs instead of the lift. Walk instead of taking an auto-taxi for short distances.
- By doing this, the flow of blood in your body becomes faster. Digestion gets accelerated.
- Even if you are doing a desk job, take out time to take a short walk in between. By doing this, the body remains flexible.
- The immune system is also a matter related to our mental and emotional activities. To remove stress, do yoga, pranayama daily.
- Do enjoyable activities like meditation, dancing etc.
- Vitamin D boosts immunity and is deficient in most people. The most effective remedy for this is to sunbathe warmly in the morning.
- The first effective step to strengthen the immunity system is to drink enough water. Water helps in flushing out the toxic elements from our body.
- Drinking water in a copper vessel increases its quality. Water provides energy to our muscles, improves bowel movements. To stay healthy, it is important to drink at least 7-8 glasses of water a day.
- Avoid quenching thirst with soda, alcohol, tea or coffee.
- 6-8 hours of sleep is very important for the proper functioning of our body and mind. Adequate deep sleep helps in rebuilding the cells.
- Stay away from alcohol and cigarettes. When there is no option left, then resort to injection.
- If the immune system has become very weak, then you can get an injection of immunoglobulin extracted from the blood of a donor after consulting a doctor.
- Eat rightly and while eating, keep in mind that whatever we are eating, it will be easily digested.