Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in Ayurveda
- 25 Sep, 2021
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In the Modern era of fast food, there is change or irregularity in the diet and also in sedentary lifestyle. In addition to this there is tremendous mental stress. These are causing disturbance to the digestive system further leading to many diseases. Digestion and absorption disorders plays the main role amongst them. So due to all these causes, many people are suffering from various digestive disorders like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Grahani Roga). Your search related to Herbal Remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Ayurvedic Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Natural Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and Alternative Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) end here. We at Chandigarh Ayurved Centre provide effective remedies that work very well in the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Grahani Roga).
Grahani and Agni are interdependent.
- Functionally weak Agni i.e., Mandagni, causes improper digestion of ingested food, which leads to Ama Dosha. Ama Dosha is the main cause of most of the diseases. It has pivotal importance in the pathogenesis of Grahani Roga. Grahani is considered under eight major diseases
- It is hard to diagnose and difficult to treat this disease-
- It has two stages: Amavastha and Niramavastha.
- In Amavastha – first line of the treatment is to make Ama to Nirama. Further diet and lifestyle modification along with medication should be followed.
People firstly choose Allopathic medicines by Knowing their harmful side effect they still approach and take modern medicines. Instead of this one should choose Ayurveda because this disease is curable in Ayurveda with natural herbs and also very safe to use it even on daily basis. Additionally, it provides a good health by acting on various parts of the body.
On having a look at present Scenario and by observing in our daily practice there is increase in cases of IBS and we have cured many patients of IBS or Grahani Roga on daily basis, so we are Confident now as we had Worked and had been treating this disease from Generations, so our results are promising and effective.
Our Idea is to spread the knowledge of Ayurveda Worldwide and change the mind of people because Miracles Happens and we have seen it on our daily practice.
We are Working hard just to see You Healthy and Happy.
It is an intestinal disorder causing pain in the stomach, bloating, diarrhea and constipation.
The cause of IBS isn’t well understood. Diagnosis is made often based on symptoms.
Let’s have a look inside your body: –
The Alimentary Canal:-
Grahani Swaroopa – All the Acharyas and Commentators of Samhitas described Grahani as Agni Adhisthana (Place of digestive Fire).
Acharya Sushruta described Grahni as Sashti pitta dharakala (6thkala).
There is a strong relationship that exists in between Grahani and Agni is inter-related i.e. Agni support the function of Grahani and Grahani used to support the function of Agni. Any impairment of Agni leads to the Grahani impairment or vice versa. So any defect or pathology in the functioning of any of these may leads to disease condition.
Nidana (Causative Factors):-
- Viruddha (wrong combination of food) and Vistambhi Aahar (Constipating food)
- Suppression of natural urges.
- Irregular eating habits
- Excessive Eating
- Sharirik (Physical factor) and Mansik Bhava (Emotional factors-excessive stress, anxiety)
- Sitagunaaahar (Cold food items) etc.
Role of Aama:-
Aama – Food which is half digested is known as Aama due to weak digestive fire or manda-Agni.
Grahani and Agni both are close relation to each other or Adhara-Adheya-Sambandha. Grahani is described as an Adhishthana of Agni by most of the Aaacharyas.
Mandagni (Deceased level of digestive fire) is a root cause of Ama Dosha and it is the crucial factor for manifestation of most of the diseases.
Sangrahani is the prime disease of gastro-intestinal tract and often seen in day-to-day practice.
According to Ayurveda Types of Grahani on the Basis of Involvement of Doshas:-
- Vataj Grahani
- Pittaj Grahani
- Kaphaj Grahani
- Tridoshaj Grahani
Vataj Grahani:
In this type of Grahani there is vitiation of vata.
Nidana (Causitive Factors):
- Intake of rasa like Katu, tikta and Kashaya (Pungent/Bitter/Astringent)
- Dry, contaminated foods
- The suppression of natural urges
- Excess physical activity
- Intake of insufficient food
- Fasting
Lakshana or Symptoms:
- Dry skin, hair, nails, a dry mouth or throat
- Constipation or constipation alternating with diarrhea
- Abdominal distension, bloating, flatulence and excess wind
- Feeling cold most of the time
- Loss of weight
- loss of sleep, anxiety and nervousness
Pittaja Grahani:
Pitta Dosha is vitiated in this type of Grahni.
Nidana (Causitive Factors):
- An excess intake of katu, amla, lavana (pungent/sour/salty foods)
- Suppression of natural urges
- Excess physical activity
Lakshana or Symptoms:
- Sweating, fever, feeling hot
- Often Feeling of Heartburn, belching, sour eructation
- Excessive thirst
- Loss of temper or irritability
- Stools-Diarrhea, loose liquid stools
Kaphaja Grahani:
Kapha dosha is vitiated in this type of Grahni.
Nidana (Causitive Factors):
- Intaka of Madhur rasa or Sweet food items.
- Intake of food that is hard to digest, fatty foods
- Intake of cold and heavy foods in excess
- Atya asana or Excessive eating
- Sleeping immediately after intake of food.
Lakshana or Symptoms:
- Difficulty in digestion
- Nausea or Vomiting
- Decreased of loss of appetite
- A running nose
- expectoration of cough
- Heaviness of the body, lethargic.
- Love to relax or not wanting to move
- Stools – heavy, slimy and full of mucus
Tridoshaja Grahani:
- It is caused by the combination of factors of the above three types.
There are mixed Symptoms i.e. all that are described above.
Some Specific symptoms are as follows:
- Gurgling sounds in the abdomen
- Passing of stools with mild pain
- Stools appearance- combination of liquid, compact, cold unctuous
- Lumbar region pain.
- Abdominal pain
- Bloating
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Diarrhea and constipation both.
- Changes in the bowel Habits.
- Inability to empty the bowel
- Indigestion
- Nausea
- Loss of Appetite
- Passing Excessive amount of gas
- Stool with Mucus
- Blood in stoolmay be appearing red or very dark or black tarry like consistency.
Passing of Red / Black Colored Stool on daily basis is a Medical Emergency please consult a Doctor.
Other Common symptoms- Depression, Confusion, Anxiety, discomfort, tiredness, weakness, symptoms get alleviated by Defecation.
What Treatment Should we opt. for Sangrahni (IBS)?
The person suffering from this disease is having many questions in mind. Regarding the disease that will it be cured or not and very much frustrated and think what to do or not to do.
So end up your worries and get Consulted clear your doubts and successfully Treated at CAC.
We had been treating the disorder and getting amazing results in minimal amount of time from hundreds of years.
We provide the treatment which is 100% natural which detoxifies your colon and make it healthy thus making your body free from the disease and live a normal life.
Our Medication for IBS / Grahani
- Pittashekhar Rasa
- Panchasakar Churna
- Detox Standard Powder
- Kutaj Ghan Vati
- Puran Pachak
- Digestion Care Tablet
- Sheet Dhara
For Detailed Description of medicine visit the website below:- www.chandigarhayurvedcentre.com/product/ibs-care-kit
Diet and Lifestyle plays an important role in this disease. By following the DO’s & Don’ts helps to recover fast from the disease.
Pathya or What to Follow?
- Diet should be rich in Fiber and fat content should be low.
- Add on Porridge or oats to your diet
- You should have1 tablespoon of linseeds per day.
- Meals sgould be prepared at home using fresh ingredients
- Maintain a diary or note down in phone what you eat and track your symptoms – After that try your best to avoid things that trigger your IBS.
- Do Relaxing meditation
- Get plenty of exercise
- You can Add Probiotics to your diet
Apathya or What to Avoid?
- Avoid the food items or products containing a sweetener (sorbitol).
- The foods that are hard to digest should be avoided. (like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, beans, onions and dried fruit or decrease the amount)
- Try not delay or skip your meals
- Na-ati-Shighram Mashniyat or Avoid eating too quickly.
- Avoid Oily and spicy food items or processed items.
- Low fat diet should be followed.
- Eat fresh fruit daily (less than or equal to80g)
- Limit Tea and coffee i.e. it shouls not more than 3cups.
- Avoid alcohol or fizzy drinks