What is Azoospermia? How to Treat it Naturally?
- 06 Oct, 2021
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Azoospermia is the medical term used when the semen contain no sperm during ejaculation.
It can be “obstructive” and non-obstructive, obstructive means there is a blockage that preventing sperm from entering the ejaculate, or “non-obstructive” means decreased sperm production by the testis. It is associated with male infertility. It happens approx 1% of all men and 15% of infertile men.
Causes of obstructive azoospermia – Obstructions occur most commonly in the:
- Epididymis – The coiled tube structure on the back of each testicle where sperm matures.
- Vas deferens – Tube like structure that transports sperm from the epididymis.
- Ejaculatory duct – The tube from where sperm exit into the urethra and mix with fluid to form semen.
- Epididymis blockages – Several conditions can cause the blockage in the epididymis:
- Infections
- Inflammation
- Scrotal trauma/injury
- Rare genetic conditions
- Surgery on the vas deferens
- During vasectomy surgeon cuts or clamps each vas deferens, stopping the flow of sperm. There are other conditions that have the same impact:
- Trauma/injury
- Previous surgery like hernia repair
- Cystic fibrosis gene mutations
- Ejaculatory duct blockages
some ejaculatory duct blockages are present at birth. Others develop later such as:
- Infections
- Trauma
- Prior surgery
- Endoscopic surgery
- Causes of non-obstructive azoospermia
There are numerous causes of non-obstructive azoospermia:
- Genetics
- Y chromosome deletion
- Karyotype abnormality
- Radiation and toxins
- Medications
- Hormone imbalances
- Varicocele
- Other causes include Illegal drug use, excessive drinking and smoking.
1. Testicular Azoospermia – Testis are abnormal, atrophic or absent.
- Sperm production is severely disturbed.
- Testicular failure occurs that includes failure to produce sperm and maturation arrest during the process of Spermatogenesis.
2. Pretesticular Azoospermia – It includes inadequate stimulation of normal testicle and genital tract.
- This occurs as Follicle Stimulating hormone is low that leads to inadequate stimulation of testis to produce sperm.
3. Post-testicular Azoospermia – In this condition sperms are produced but not ejaculate
- This condition affects 10 to 80 percent men.
- Physical obstruction to post testicular tract leads to this condition.
- Vasectomy done to induce contraceptive most common cause of this.
- Congenital obstructions.
4. Testicular Failure – Radiation, chemotherapy surgical procedure lead to testicular failure.
- Congenital issue such Klinefelter syndrome can lead to this condition.
- Avoid activities that injure the reproductive organs.
- Avoid exposure to radiation.
- Know the risks and benefits of medications that harm sperm production.
- Avoid lengthy exposure of testes to hot temperatures.
- Stay away from activities like rough contact sports that may harm testes and reproductive tract.
- Avoid testes expose to high temperatures, like saunas or steam baths.
- Azoospermia treatment in Ayurveda is quite effective to elimination azoospermia.
- Vaaji Ras as a method which includes three necessary herbs that deal with this problem. Mushli, Kaanch, and Shatavari help with hormonal imbalance.
- Arjuna help in the accurate blood flow throughout the pelvic region
- Ashwagandha regulate nerve interactions.
- Vaaji Ras is essentially refers to the ayurvedic treatment for infertility.
- These natural remedies for erectile dysfunction are found in the Himalayan Mountain.
- Shatavari, Kaunch herbs used for infertility help to increase sperm count immensely by naturally boosting hormonal balance in the body.
- It has the property of stimulating and calming the body, increases the levels of testosterone in the blood and reproductive system due to increased blood circulation
- The allopathic and surgical procedures are generally recommended by doctor’s that lead undue side effects.
- Usage of steroids which is prevalent leads to addiction and causes fatal errors in the functioning of other systems of the body apart from the reproductive system.
- The risks of surgical procedures are dangerous and might lead to permanent damages within the body.
- Undesirable effects of allopathy medicines are not found in ayurvedic medicine for infertility.
- Ayurveda medicine for infertility are natural.
- Ayurvedic treatment is natural and completely harmless with no side effects arise as a result of treatment.
- Ayurveda cures infertility problems right at the root of the issue.
- Ayurvedic medicines are non-steroidal preparations, do not tamper with the natural processing of the body, and do not cause any addiction and no risks related to other body functions.
- Along with the improvement of reproductive organs, the other parts of the body are also stimulated as a consequence.
- The medicines being pure and non-addictive are also safe when taken regularly until desired results are achieved.
- Ayurveda treatment for azoospermia including the best herbal and natural remedies for erectile dysfunction, boost libido and the male reproductive system.
- It is the best choice of treatment for eliminating infertility permanently so that people lead a healthier and brighter life altogether.
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